About the QMATH Centre

The VILLUM FONDEN has granted DKK 30 million to the “VILLUM Centre of Excellence for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH)”. In 2021, the centre has be extended for another five-year-period.

The centre is hosted by the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen and is led by the professors Jan Philip Solovej, Matthias Christandl and Bergfinnur Durhuus (Emeritus). Approximately 16 PhD students and 19 Postdocs are associated with the centre. 

Several new research projects have emerged from the fertile research environment created by the QMATH Centre. With the interdisciplinary Quantum for Life Centre, the Quantum for Bio project, Quantum Hub as well as three ERC grants,  two VILLUM Young Investigator grants and two Marie Curie grants, the number of heads is continuously increasing and the research area is expanding. 

The goal is to contribute to our mathematical understanding of quantum physics with special emphasis on the interplay between quantum matter and quantum information.

The centre's research area lies in the intersection of mathematics, physics and computer science. It is motivated by the emerging recognition of the surprising informational aspects of quantum physics with its potential use in quantum communication and long term prospect of building a quantum computer.

Scientific and social activities

The QMATH centre has an inclusive and diverse working environment and offers a number of scientific and social activities, such as weekly Quantum Lunch seminars, group meetings, reading clubs and two annual Masterclasses.

Once a year, the QMATH members organize a group outing with a scientific as well as a social program. QMATH has a running club, and and its members are very active and fast runners at the annual DHL Race. The QMATH employees have free access to a fitness room in Vibenshuset, where our office area is located. 

By the end of the year, the QMATH members organize a Christmas lunch where everyone brings a dish to share.  


The QMATH Staff