One of the aims of the centre is to prepare material for high schools in the cross-disciplinary area between mathematics and physics and to offer introductory lectures to high school classes in collaboration with the high school teachers.
The centre also holds public lectures for a general audience at different cultural and public events.
Past QMATH outreach events:
- Temadag om
kvanteinformation forgymnasieelever d. 23. november 2018 - The Culture Night October 12, 2018
- The Culture Night 2017
- The People's Meeting ("Folkemødet") on Bornholm 2017
- The Culture Night 2016
- Niels Bohr International Academy: The Pauli Principle
- Kvantespring Festival
QMATH on-line lectures and videos:
- Størrelsen på
alting -hvorfor har ting den størrelse de har? - Bits
og Qubits - om denforunderlige kvanteverden - The Quantum Computer
Entangeled - Kvantespil
- The Pauli Exclusion Principle (English)
- Paulis
eksklusionsprincip (Danish) - Building a Quantum Computer
- Vind med
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