Quantum Lunch: Self-testing of quantum states: how to identify which state Alice and Bob share by letting them play a (nonlocal) game

Tim Coopmans from University of Amsterdam

Self-testing of quantum states: how to identify which state Alice and Bob share by letting them play a (nonlocal) game

Quantum cryptographic applications require quantummechanical phenomena such as entanglement to be unbreakable against any classical attacker. Nonlocal games can be used to verify that the players involved indeed share some kind of quantum entanglement. In the particular case of self-testing scenarios, the central question is: given an empirical conditional probability distribution over inputs and outputs of the players, what knowledge can be inferred about the quantum states they possess?

In this talk, I will mainly focus on the use of the CHSH game to self-test the singlet state. In particular, I will talk about our recent results on robustness of self-testing statements against noise and the inequivalence of Bell violation and singlet extractability.