Quantum Lunch: Disentangling entangled quantum states

Sania Jevtic

Disentangling entangled quantum states

One of the defining non-classical features of quantum systems is that their states can be entangled and exhibit non-locality. Entanglement is a valuable resource in quantum information theoretic tasks and in quantum computing, on the other hand, it is also the property that makes characterising ground states of many body systems difficult. There are however situations when a state that is entangled can have a "local model", for instance, when the local measurements that can be made on the system are restricted.

These situations have been heavily studied for two-particle systems, but finding local models for many body entangled states is still very much an open problem. In this talk, I shall present a way of constructing local models for many body entangled states. These constructions admit ``separable'' descriptions of entangled quantum states whose measurement statistics can be sampled efficiently. The upshot of this approach is that it could open up a new avenue for classical simulation.