ON-LINE QLunch: Daniel Malz

Speaker: Daniel Malz, the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics

Title: Sequential preparation of projected entangled-pair states


Matrix-product states can be prepared with a linear-depth sequential quantum circuit, a property that is frequently exploited, for example to produce photonic matrix-product states or for quantum state tomography. We introduce a natural generalization of the notion of states produced sequentially to higher dimensions. These states are all states that can be generated by applying sequential unitaries acting on plaquettes of overlapping regions. We show that they can be prepared in any dimension with a quantum circuit whose depth grows linearly with the sum of the edge lengths of the lattice.  We also show that they contain isometric tensor  network  states,  and  thus  we  provide  a  way  of  efficiently  generating  them. Finally, we show how this allows one to produce photonic tensor network states in higher dimensions using arrays of quantum light sources.

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