QLunch: Carsten Lunde Petersen

Speaker: Carsten Lunde Petersen

Title: Straightening Lyubich’s space QG of Quadratic-like germs-LIKE.

Abstract: I shall speak about a joint work with L.~Lomonaco, IMPA Rion and M.~Lyubich Stony Brook Univ. NY. We have shown that the space of quadratic-like germsm which was introduced by Lyubich, can be straightened so that the vertical leaves become copies of the complex plane.

Consequently, we obtain a local bound on the quasiconformal dilatation of the homeomorphism between copies of the Mandelbrot set in full families in terms of the hybrid equivalence of corresponding polynomial-like maps.

If you never have heard or seen most of the terms above, don’t worry I will define and explain them during the talk mostly through illustrating graphics and computer generated pictures.