TensorTalk: Daniel Stilck França

Speaker:  Daniel Stilck França 

Title: Preparing injective PEPS on a quantum computer

we are going to review state of the art algorithms to prepare injective projected entangled pair states on a quantum computer. We will cover the constructions of:

[1] Schwarz, Martin, Kristan Temme, and Frank Verstraete. “Preparing Projected Entangled Pair States on a Quantum Computer.” Physical Review Letters 108, no. 11 (March 13, 2012). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.108.110502.

[2] Ge, Yimin, András Molnár, and J. Ignacio Cirac. “Rapid Adiabatic Preparation of Injective Projected Entangled Pair States and Gibbs States.” Physical Review Letters 116, no. 8 (February 25, 2016). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.116.080503.

[3] Schwarz, M., O. Buerschaper, and J. Eisert. “Approximating Local Observables on Projected Entangled Pair States.” Physical Review A 95, no. 6 (June 20, 2017). doi:10.1103/physreva.95.060102.

which are all intimately related.